What is Your Suitcase Made Of?
Duravo Luggage is free of BPA unlike Polycarbonate luggage
As medical and scientific information increases and news of potentially harmful materials is more widely understood, more consumers are striving to live a healthier lifestyle. Researching what materials your mattresses, carpets, car interiors, and clothing are made from has become a way of life for many people who are concerned about the ill effects of chemicals and other additives that have made their way into everyday products.

Why should your suitcase be any different? Here at Duravo, we are transparent about the manufacturing techniques and materials that make up your carry-on or backpack. And unlike the other guys, our luggage is missing one common, potentially harmful chemical- bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA.
What is BPA?
Bisphenol A, aka BPA, is an industrial chemical that has been used to make some plastics and resins since the 1950s. It has been widely used in various consumer products such as food containers, water bottles, baby bottles, and the lining of cans for food and beverages. However, BPA is also a component of polycarbonate plastics. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), nearly three-quarters of the BPA used in the United States in 2003 went into the manufacture of polycarbonate.
Polycarbonate is strong, so it's one of the most common materials used to make durable suitcases. However, people are becoming increasingly concerned about the potentially harmful effects of repeated BPA exposure. Polycarbonate suitcases that contain BPA can add to that extended BPA exposure, especially when you are wearing clothing and using toiletries stored in a polycarbonate suitcase.
How Can BPA Be Harmful?
In a world already saturated with chemicals and additives, what’s so bad about BPA? BPA can be absorbed into the body by four avenues- ingesting, inhaling, skin/eye contact, and maternal/fetal transmission. According to the NIH, once in the body, BPA can negatively affect the thyroid, adipose tissue, the liver, the heart, and the female and male reproductive systems.
Additionally, according to the Mayo Clinic, BPA can possibly affect the brains of fetuses, infants, and children, as well as affect blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in adults. Clearly, this is something to avoid!
What’s the Difference With Duravo?
Because Duravo carry-ons and backpacks are made with Flexshell™, and not polycarbonate, you avoid BPA exposure by utilizing Duravo luggage. Flexshell combines high-strength fibers with the much simpler and eco-friendly polypropylene polymer. As a plastic product, polypropylene isn’t completely sustainable, but it’s an environmentally conscious option that offers a wide range of benefits over other materials. It is also a better choice than other plastics, since it doesn’t release toxins, has a relatively low carbon footprint, and is safe to human health. Additionally, Flexshell is created in an environmentally clean thermoplastic process that involves no solvents, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), plasticizers, PFAS, BPAs, or halogenated compounds, and is fully recyclable in common polymer recycling processes.
The choice is clear! Duravo luggage offers strength and durability without BPA exposure.